Teens, don’t sweat at home alone this summer, come choose your own adventure at the library! From a teen book club to a clay handbuilding workshop with Redlands Pottery Project to a Super Smash Bros Tournament, we have some cool events lined up to help you forget how hot you are. Join us if you’re interested!
And starting June 20th, don’t forget to come pick up a reading log so you can track your summer reading and earn opportunity drawing tickets for the minutes you read. Excellent prizes will be on the line! 🙂
Teen Summer Book Club…click here to register!
Clay Handbuilding Workshop with Redlands Pottery Project…click here to register!
Teen Beach Movie…click here to register!
Teen Makers Open Hours: Modern Embroidery and more…click here to register!
Teen Super Smash Bros Tournament…click here to register!
Free Lunch!
Ages 0-18
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6/20-8/01
Smiley Park (the grassy area between the library and the Lincoln Shrine)
Provided by Redlands Unified School District